
MySmile Teeth Whitening Kit Unboxing

MySmile Teeth Whitening System

People have often complimented my smile and ask if I’ve worn braces before. The answer to that question is no; I have never worn braces. I’ve always wanted to get my teeth whitened. I know that there are home remedies that work such as peroxide and baking soda. I tried those a while back but my gums always were sensitive. From time to time, I also asked my dentist about the treatment but I know it’ll cost me something even when insurance covers a majority of it.

What’s Inside the Box?

Inside the contents of the box, you will find the following items:

*3 Gel Pens that contain the whitening gel
*3 Replacement tips that insert into the gel pen
*Rubber mouth guard
*The MySmile LED kit unit (batteries included)
*Instruction manual
*Teeth coloring scale

MySmile Box Contents

What’s Next?

I will be testing out the professional whitening kit to see if it truly works! Some users have noticed that their teeth lightened two shades lighter after use in one day. It is recommended to use for 7-days to see the best results. I will see if my teeth lighten after 10 minutes of use and I will do a comparison from Day 1 to Day 7. I’ll be recording my journey so you can see for yourself. I’ll post on YouTube and I’ll post the results on all follow-up blog post!

Where Can I Buy?

The MySmile Professional Whitening Kit is available on Amazon and it is very affordable! You can also visit this link:

If you decide to purchase and use this product, please let me know your experience in the comments! If you have already purchased it, let me know your thoughts and your experience! If you use social media be sure to use the hashtag: #MySmile

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